Scout 754 Schedules
Canceled-Outdoor Ethic Trainer training
Canceled 08/04~08/06/2017 Outdoor Ethic Trainer training course at Alpien Scout camp. Training schedule starts on 8/4, 8:00 pm ending 8/6, 1:00 pm. Only Scouts received notification from Scoutmaster are required to sign up for this training. Fee $140 per scout.
TMR Summer Camp
Overnight Camping
08/06-08/12/2017 Week long Summer camp at TMR Camp Keowa, 12 scouts going
[Postponed to 09/15/2017] Introduction to Outdoor gears
[Postponed to 09/15/2017] Location: Temple, 4th floor. 8:00 pm. An overall view of outdoor gears for scouts. This introduction is for parents, especually, the parents of first year boy scouts. While the first year parents are not mandated to attend but is ecncourage to attend. To attend this introduction, please sign up at the troop web site. At "Contact" select "Genera; Question" and enter "Signing up for the Outdoor gears introudction". The due darte to sign up is 09/05/2017. This introudction course will be canceled if there are less than 3 people sign up.
(1) Introduction to Outdoor gears (2) Permission slip due
(1) Gears intro: "Location: Temple, 4th floor. 8:00 pm. An overall view of outdoor gears for scouts. This introduction is for parents, especually, the parents of first year boy scouts. While the first year parents are not mandated to attend but is ecncourage to attend. To attend this introduction, please sign up at the troop web site. At ""Contact"" select ""Genera; Question"" and enter ""Signing up for the Outdoor gears introudction"". The due darte to sign up is 09/14/2017. This introudction course will be canceled if there are less than 3 people sign up." (2) Permission slip for 9/23~24/2017 Troop opening at Deer Park due. Please do remind parents to check if they can provide transportation. The troop will not provide transportation arrangement if there are not enough parents volunteers to drive.
Orientation-Junior Scout leaders
Only scouts who took the Basic Scouting skills test for the positions of responsibiities are required to come to this orientation. Location: Temple 4th floor, 10 am - 12 pm. Class A uniform. Absence from this orientation may result in not being assigned a postion of responsibility.
Parents meeting
Parents meeting on the basement dining hall. 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm. All parents, please adjust your schedule to come to this meeting. Thanks
(1) 09/23~09/24/2017 Troop opening, at Deer Park. camping gear. Troop will bring tents to Deer Park. Class A uniform. Bring bag lunch for Saturday 9/23. Troop will provide Supper on 9/23 and breakfastr on 9/24/2017. Bring personal eating utensils and water bottles. Depart on 9/23 at 7:30 am. Return to Queens on 09/24 at 2 pm. Patrol formation. Junior scout leader assignment. Tenderfoot physical fitness I test, scouting skills (2) Permission slip for Columbus Day backpacking/camping due - Please indicate if your are backpacker or car camper. Please submit the permission slip via troop web site
(1) Prep for opening on 10/1/17 (2) Scouting skills (3) Troop equipment (4) Prep for Columbus Day camping/backpacking (5) Permission slip and donation due (6) BOR
Indoor Class
(1) Prepare for Opening ceremony ceremony. Set up opening banner. (2) Scouting skill 101, woggle making skill testing, first year scout whipping rope, square knots, 2 half hitch, taut line hitch. Older scouts, all other knots. Competition on knots. (3) Any scout holding any of troop equipment needs to bring the equipmnet back to the troop in clean condition. (4) Plan Columbus Day backpacking/Camping event (5) Due date for Electronic Permissin slip Permission slip and donation for Cancer Walk on 10/15/2017 (6) Board of Review: To have completed all requirements incudling Scoutmaster conference by 09/24/2017 and Request to have BOR via troop web site by 09/26/2017.
IBPS NY Scouts Opening Ceremony
Indoor Class
Opening ceremoy for all scout units. Group at temple 3rd floor on 10/01/17 at 7:15 am. Class A uniform. Official Boy Scout socks if you wear short pants. All parents: please do not park at the temple parking lot.
(1) Backpacking/Camping (2) physical fitness test - Part II
Overnight Camping Trip
10/7-10/9/2017 Backpacking and troop family camping event (1) At North South Lake State Park. Backpackers depart from Queens on 10/07 at 7:00AM to Trail Head at Black Dome Valley, hike via Escarpment Trail to North South Lake Camp ground. Car Campers to group at North South Lake Camp ground at 2:00 pm. Car campers to have patrol cooking for 10/07 supper, 10/08 breakfast and lunch and 10/9 breakfast. All to have family group dinner on 10/08/2017. Each family prepare a dish. Scouts will not be cooking for family dinner. Departure from North South Lake on 10/09 by 11:00AM. Use Zip 12436 for weather forecast. Camping gears, all to bring Catskills Map numer 141 or 41, ropes, compass, work gloves, rain gear, water bottle, handbook. Backpacker 10/07/17 trail head ( ) (42°17'19.3"N 74°06'46.1"W). Carcamper hiking on 10/08/17 a loop from camp site to North Point to camp site (2) Tenderfoot ranking physical fitenss test part 2, other scouting activities.
District Event
District Roundtable meeting. All adult leaders and committee members are encouraged to attend.
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer at Jones beach. Bring bag lunch, water, rain gear, dress in layers, windblocker, proper foot wear. Meet at Jone Beach Parking Lot #6 (coordinates 40°35'47.7"N 73°29'48.5"W ) at 8:00 am. Troop to arrange carpool. All family member are encouraged to participate. All carpool drivers need to stay with the scouts so as not to delay the return schedule. Estimate time of departing from Jones Beach 12:00 noon. Scout to bring donation money and permission slip to patrol leaders on 09/29/2017.
(1) Public Speaking (2) BOR (3) Permission slip due
Indoor Class
(1) Public sSpeaking. Organized by Patrick (2) BOR: Complete all requirements of the rank intended and request for BOR by 10 /24/2017. Scoutmaster conference will be conducted today before the BOR. Scouts needing scoutmaster conference and BOR need to arrive at the temple at 7:30 pm (3) Permission slip due for 11/11-11/12/17 Deer Park Trip. All to submit permission slip via troop web site. Parent needs to sign the permission slip online to complete the subission process.
Walk to Feed the Hungry
Family event
Walk to Feed the Hungry -Annual Buddhist Global Rellief at Riverside Park, Manhattan. 9 am Registraton beginings at 79th Street Entrance to Riverside Ppark, 9:30 am Moving meditation, 10:15 am Walk begins, 11:30 am Vegetarian lunch and speaker. Scout families are encouraged to come join this event.
(1) Orienteering (2) Prep for Deer Park trip (3) Permission slip due
Indoor Class
(1) Orienteering - Map reading/symbols, compass, identify direction without compass, ID direction at night by Justin. Scouts to bring compass and Harriman State Park map set to the class. (2) Prep for Deer Park camping trip 11/11-11/12/2017 (3)Permission slip due for 11/19/17 hiking All to submit permission slip via troop web site. Parent needs to sign the permission slip online to complete the subission process.
Deer Park Trip 11/11-11/12/2017. Tot'n Chip, fire starting, hands on orienteering, communit service-foilage and logs removal. Tents, food, stove, fuel and cookware need to arrive at Deer Park with the frist group of arrival scouts.
Roundtable Meeting
District Event
District Roundtable meeting. All adult leaders and committee members are encouraged to attend.
(1) Hiking-Harriman State Park, Organized by Justin and Brian. Group at Tuxedo, NY train station at 8:30 am. Bring Harriman State Park map #118 or #3 if you have maps from before 2002, compass, pencil, ruler, hanbook, water in reusable water bottle, bag lunch, rain gear. Dress for weather in layers. Forecast Hi 49F Low29F. (2) Permission slip for 12/08/2017 Midnight bowling due. Scout gets to bowl free if he submits and parent signs the permission slip online by 11/19/2017. $15 per scout for late submission. Bowling fee for family members-$15.
(1) Buddhism Class (2) BOR
Indoor Class
(1) Buddhism Class by Venerable You Wang (2) Complete all requirements of the rank intended and SM conference by 11/19/2017. Request for BOR by 11 /28/2017. There will be NO SM conference and BOR on the same day.
(1) Midnight bowling (2) Outdoor Ethics Training training
Day Outing
(1) Midnight Bowling at Jib Lanes Bowling. Group at Jib Lanes at 11:15 pm. Location: 67-19 Parsons Blvd, Fresh Meadows, NY 11365. Scout submits permission slip and signed by parents online by 11/19/2017 get to bowl free. Scout submits permission slip after 11/19/2017 needs to pay $15 per person. Fee for all others (e.g. Family members). All participant to arrange their own transportation. Organized by Gegeway (2)12/08~12/10/2017 Anthony L, Cody C, Edison L, Genelyn T, Jeremy S, & Ryan C at attend Outdoor Ethics Trainer training course at Alpine Scout Camp
(1) Leaving No Trace (2) Permission slip due (3) Prep for Winter-O-Ree
Indoor Class
Leave No Trace Instruction by Hubert and Akeno (2) Permission slip for 1/13~1/14/2018 Winter-O-Ree at Alpine due. Scout to submit permission slip and parent to sign the slip online. (3) Prepare for the Winter-O-Ree
(1) Buddhism class (2) BOR (3) Permission slip due
Indoor Class
(1) A day of enlightment - Buddhism class by Venerable You Wang (2) BOR - Complete all requirements of the rank intended and SM conference by 12/15/2017. Request for BOR by 01/02/2018. There will be NO SM conference and BOR on the same day. (3) Permission slip for 1/21/2018 Alley Pond Park Orienteering due. Scout to submit permission slip and parent to sign the slip online.
Roundtable meeting
District Event
District Roundtable meeting. All adult leaders and committee members are encouraged to attend.
01/13~01/14/2018 District camp-o-ree at Alpine. Depart from Queens on 1/13/2017 at 7:30 am. Return to Queens on 1/14/2017 at 12:00 pm, SPL to ensure National and troop flags with flag poles are brought to the camp, Campin gear, rain gear(may rain), Patrol cooking, to sleep in a cabin.
Hands on orienteering and fire starting. ALL SCOUTS MUST BRING PEN, COMPASS, FIRE STARTING MATERIALS AND HANDBOOK. Group at Alley Pond Park (Coordinates 40°44'32.3"N 73°44'20.0"W ) at 8:00AM. SPL, PL's to report to Alley Pond Park at 7:00 AM.
Temple Clean up
Community Service
Group at temple at 10:00 am to do Lunar New Year clean up. Estimate end time: 2:00 pm. Parents are encouraged and invited to come help out with this clean up. Bring cleaning tools with you. Label your name on the tools you bring in.
Hands on orienteering and fire starting. ALL SCOUTS MUST BRING PEN, COMPASS, FIRE STARTING MATERIALS AND HANDBOOK. Group at Alley Pond Park (Coordinates 40°44'32.3"N 73°44'20.0"W ) at 8:00AM. SPL, PL's to report to Alley Pond Park at 7:00 AM.
(1) Finance management (2) BOR (3) Cub Pack visit (4) Permission slip due
Indoor Class
(1) Finance lesson by Mr. Henry C. (2) Complete all requirements of the rank intended and SM conference by 01/20/2018. Request for BOR by 01/23/2018. There will be NO SM conference and BOR on the same day. (3) Cub Scouts Pack visit the troop indoor meeting. (4) Permission slip for 2/10~2/11/2017 Winter Sports at Deer Park due
Pre New Year Clean up-Temple Part 2
Community Service
Group at temple at 9:55 am on the 3rd floor to do Lunar New Year clean up. Estimate end time: 1:00 pm. Parents are encouraged and invited to come help out with this clean up. Bring cleaning tools with you. Label your name on the tools you bring in. Tools needed: Regular mop, Dust mop with extension handle, Vacuum machines with extended hose/attachment to reach/clean elevated areas, water bucket
(1)First Aid (2) Prep for Deer Park trip
Indoor Class
(1)First Aid (2) Prep for 2/10-2/11/18 Deer Park Trip
[CANCELED - Due to dangerous road condition at Deer Park] 02/10-02/11/2018 Winter Camping a Deer Park, winter activities. Depart from Queens on 2/10 at 7:00 am. Return to Queens on 2/11/2017 around 1:00 pm
Roundtable meeting
District Event
District Roundtable meeting. All adult leaders and committee members are encouraged to attend.
Lunar New Year celebration Day 0
Community Service
Class A uniform. Justin, William, Cody Chan and Cody Chen volunteer to serve the lunch box sorting and collection from 11 am - 1: 30 pm, on 2nd and 3rd floors.
Please report to Venerable You Wang at temple at 11 am
New Year Celebration Day 1
IBPS Event
Lunar New Year celebration at temple, whole day. Henry, Cody Chen, Aaron C, Brian and Ryan will clean up basement after food court. All Volunteering scouts need to be in Class A uniform and report to Ryan at the temple basement at 3:00 pm. Please contact Ryan to volunteer your service,
Lunar New Year Celebration Day 2
IBPS Event
Lunar New Year celebration at temple, whole day. Class A uniform. All scouts need to report to the temple basement at 3:00 pm. Bring mops, brooms, dustpans, and other cleaning tools. If anyone has a power washer or a wet/dry vacuum machine, please contact Ryan. Anyone who has a squeegee, please bring it.
(1) Offering ceremony (2) Winter Break
Community Service
(1) This applies to scouts honorably selected to served in the Offering celebration only. Scouts honorably selected to serve at the offering ceremony to report to temple at 7:00 pm for rehearsal(2) No meeting
(1) Offering ceremony (2) Permission slip due
IBPS Event
(1) This applies to scouts honorably selected to served in the Offering celebration only. The selected scouts to report to temple at 7:30 am. (2) Permission slip for 3/2~3/3/2018 Deer Park community service due. Scout to submit permission slip and parent to sign the slip online.
[CANCELED due to inclement weather condition. Another day of community service will be arranged and announced.] 03/02~03/03/2018 Deer Park community service. Depart from Queens on 3/2/2018 at 8 pm, Return to Queens on 3/3/2018 6:00 pm. Trim trees, and other needed services. Dress for the weather, bring work gloves, eating utensils.
Hands on orienteering and fire starting. ALL SCOUTS MUST BRING PEN, COMPASS, FIRE STARTING MATERIALS AND HANDBOOK. Group at Alley Pond Park (Coordinates 40°44'32.3"N 73°44'20.0"W ) at 8:00AM. SPL, PL's to report to Alley Pond Park at 7:00 AM.
(1) Foot Drills by Julian C. (2) BOR
Indoor Class
(1) Foot Drills by Julian C. (2) BOR-Complete all requirements of the rank intended and SM conference by 03/03/2018. Request for BOR by 03/06/2018. There will be NO SM conference and BOR on the same day.
Roundtable meeting
District Event
District Roundtable meeting. All adult leaders and committee members are encouraged to attend.
(1) Indoor Game day (2) Permission slips due (3) Parents meeting
Indoor Class
(1) Game Day organized by Aaron Y (2) Permission slip due for 3/25/2018 Orienteering at Alley Pond Park. (3) Parents meeting 8:00 pm on the 4th floor in the
Complete all requirements of the rank intended and SM conference by 03/16/2018. Request for BOR by 03/20/2018. There will be NO SM conference and BOR on the same day.
Camping Expo
GNYC Camping Expo at Alpine Scout Camp. Participant need to sign up at GNYC web site. Outing related classes run from 9 am to 3 pm.
Hands on orienteering and fire starting. ALL SCOUTS MUST BRING PEN, COMPASS, FIRE STARTING MATERIALS AND HANDBOOK. Group at Alley Pond Park (Coordinates 40°44'32.3"N 73°44'20.0"W ) at 8:00AM. SPL, PL's to report to Alley Pond Park at 7:00 AM.
(1) Nutrition / Balanced diet / Food safety (2) BOR (3) 2 Permission slip, 1 fee and 1 waiver form due (4) Prep for Camporee
Indoor Class
(1) Nutrition/Balance diet/Food Safety, Instructed by Mr. Hwang, Organized by Akeno (2) BOR. Complete all requirements of the rank intended and SM conference by 03/25/2018. Request for BOR by 03/27/2018. There will be NO SM conference and BOR on the same day. (3) Permission slip, fee of $60/person and paintball game waiver form signed by parents for 4/15/18 paintball due. See this link for the waiver form: Permission slip for 4/21-4/22/2018 Camporee due. (4) Prep Meal Plan for 4/21-4/22/2018 Camporee
Roundtable Meeting
District Event
District Roundtable meeting. All adult leaders and committee members are encouraged to attend.
Paintball at high velocity paintball field, 426 Mill Road, Coram, NY 11727. (631) 242-2096. Troop range transportation to depart from Queens at 8:45AM sharp. Regroup at the paintball fiel at 9:45 AM. We will have pizza for lunch. All need to bring water, first aid kit, dress for the weather, wear long sleeves shirt, long pants, knee protection gear (e.g. Roller blade knee protector) if available. Organized by Brian. Fee per person: $60.
Drafting eagle scout service project
Indoor Class
The is an optional meeting open to scouts who are life ranking and have a preliminary idea of his eagle scout leadership service project. The above mentioned scouts need to use the contact at troop web site to register to come to this meeting.
4/21~4/22/2018 District camporee. Theme: Video Game. Depart from Queens aon 4/21, 7:30 am; return to Queens on 4/22 at around 12 noon. Location: West Hills Park, Exit 39 of Northern State (or exit 48 of LIE) & take Round Swap Road (north) to Highhold Drive. Meal will be prepared by the troop. Camp in tent. Bring tents (only scouts being informed individually need to bring tent), sleeping bag and mat, eating utensils, water, handbook, compass, work gloves, rain gear, pen, note pad, fire starting materials, and fire wood. Participating adults also need to bring their own tent. For weather forecast use zip code 11734 or Location: Melville, NY (Forecast day time 56F, night 38F)
(1) Foot Drill 2 (2) Knots (3) BOR (4) Permission slip due
(1) Foot Drills 2 by Julian Chen (2) Knots (3) Scouts sign up for BOR need to have completed all ranking requirement including SM conference by 4/22/18 and request BOR by 4/24/2018. There will be NO SM conference and BOR on the same day. (4) Due date to submit permission slip for 05/13/2018, Plant Identification class.
(1) Plant Identification (2) Due date to sign up for Eagle COH (3) Permission slip and fee due
Day Outing
(1) Plant identification at Kissena Park (40°44'59.6"N 73°48'26.6"W). Meet at 8:00 am. Dismiss at 10 am at the same location. Bring a camera, note pad, pen, dress for the weather. (2) Due date for eagle scouts to sign up for Eagle COH. All scouts who have achieved eagle scout ranking by 06/01/2018 in 2017-2018 scout year and would like to be honored at Eagle COH on 6/3/2018 need use "Contact" at troop web site to sign up for the Eagle COH by today. (3) Permission slip and fee for 5/26~5/28/2018 Delaware river canoeing due.
Roundtable meeting
District Event
District Roundtable meeting. All adult leaders and committee members are encouraged to attend.
(1) Prepare BLIA Day (2) Prep for canoeing trip
IBPS Event
(1) Setting up tents for BLIA Day. Meet at temple at 4:00pm. Work gloves, pocket knife, water. Rain in forecast. Bring rain gear. Be prepared and we can handle all kinds of condition. (2) Scouts and parents of scout participating in the Delaware canoeing trip need to be present at the preparation meeting. Meeting will be held immediately after the tent set up. On the 4th floor, temple, tentatively at 5:30 pm. Please come before 5:30 pm because the tent set up may be completed before 5:30 pm.
IBPS Event
BLIA Day. Report to temple at 7:00 am. Class A uniform. Wear Class B under Class A uniform. Be prepared, dress for the weather. Enjoy the event. Waste sorting and collection. According two the schedule set up. All to regroup by the tent garbage collection tent at 3:30 pm to start working on taking down tents, finishing garbage management, etc. Tentatively, the clean up will end before 6:00 pm.
BOR starts at 7:45 pm. Only scouts sign up for BOR need to be present. Scouts signing up for BOR need to have completed all ranking requirements and SM conference by 05/20/2018 and request for BOR by 5/22/2018.
05/26~05/28/2018 Delaware River Canoeing, 3 days 2 nights. Participants 14 and younger need to be accompanied by his parent. Depart from Queens on 5/26/18 at 4:50 am. Return to temple on 5/28/2018, at 5:00pm if not earlier. Respond to email sent to all participants to file online waiver. Fee: $70 per scout, sibling and parent: $90 per person (if there are at least 20 participants) If not, Sibling and Parent: $99 per person. Permission slip and fee due on 05/13/2018. For weather forecast, please use zip code 18301. Download and bring the signed waiver to the event
(1) Iron Chef (2) scouting skill test for leadership position
Day Outing
Location at 24660 57 Drive, Little Neck, NY (1) 6/3/2018 Iron Chef. 9am -12:000 pm
Scouts are to bring:
· Cutting knife (per scout)
· Personal Eating utensils
· Personal water bottle/cup
· Leftover (cooked) rice (per patrol)
· Stove and fuel (per patrol)
· Any cookware / tools
· Any seasoning or flavor for fried rice
(2) (tentatively) 12:00 am - 12:30pm -Scouting skills test for scouts intend to service leadership position. Scout interested in taking leadership position in 2018~2019 scout year needs to sign up for the skill test via trop web site by 05/29/2019.
Eagle COH
Indoor Class
Eagle Court of Honor All scouts are to attend this COH. Class A uniform. Scout family are encouraged to attend this Eagle COH. All to meet on the 2nd floor, temple at 4:15 pm sharp. Scouts being honored are those who have achieved eagle scotu ranking in 2017-2018 scout year by 06/01/2018 and would like to be honored at this COH. All scouts to use "Contact" at troop web site or reply to notification email by 6/3/2018 to indicate if to attend this event. After the Eagle COH, the troop will gather in the temple dining hall (basement) to have a potluck party at 6:00 pm. Each family to bring a dish to share with all. All need t bring their personal eating utensils.
Roundtable Meeting
Community Service
No roundtable meeting at temple in June. June Roundtable meeting is to be combined with the district dinner on 6/12/2018.
District Dinner
District Dinner for Adult leaders. Adult leaders interested in participating in this dinner need to sign up with the district in advance. No Roundtable meeting for June.
(1) Reflection (2) TMR MB class sign up Prepare for COH (3) Scouting skills test (4) Return Troop equipment (5) BOR
Indoor Class
(1) End of the scout year reflection (2) Scouts participating in TMR summer camp to complete merit badge class sign up today (3) Scouting skills test for scouts intend to assume one of the positions of responsibility. Due date of signing up for this test is 06/13/2018. (4) All PL's to ensure their patrol quarter master return the troop equipment to the troop. SPL to make sure all equipment on loan are returned in clean condition and report any damage items for repair. (5) BOR. Scouts signing up for BOR need to have completed all ranking requirements and SM conference by 06/10/2018 and request for BOR by 6/12/2018.
COH rehearsal
Indoor Class
COH Rehearsal, temple 3rd floor at 7:30 pm. All scouts in Class A uniform. Scouts wearing shorts are required to wear olive green scout socks. Scouts in long pants need to wear olive green or dark color socks. We will be on the 2nd floor. Not wearing shoes. Shoes to be placed on the stair way from the 4.5 to 5th floor.
Indoor Class
Court of Honor organized by Cub Scouts Pack. All boy scouts to report to temple 2nd floor at 1:00 pm. Estimate time frame of the event 1:00 - 5:00 pm. Clean up after the event. All scouts in Class A uniform. Scouts wearing shorts are required to wear olive green scout socks. Scouts in long pants need to wear olive green or dark color socks. We will be on the 2nd floor. Not wearing shoes. Shoes to be placed on the stair way from the 4.5 to 5th floor.